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VarySafe 1.2.0001

VarySafe VarySafe 1.2.0001

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VarySafe Publisher's Description

VarySafe is a document security program which makes data encapsulated stand alone executable viewer file. This viewer decrypts and view internal encrypted data only in the authenticated computer by using hardware fingerprint identification. It is also possible to set the expiration date and user's permission type (view or view + print). Any printing data can be used as a data input by using VarySafe printer.
- Generate data/viewer encapsulated stand alone executable file which only running in the author specified computer.
- Set specific expiration date (After author specified date, executable file will not decrypt/open/view internal data and authentication will be expired.).
- Set view or view + print permission.
- Set stamp numbers on the viewer's screen and print page (Stamp gives a traceability, in case of screen capturing and/or print paper copying.).
- Use any printing data as a input by using VarySafe printer.
- Use 2-byte languages data (e.g. Asian languages are supported.).
- Send single data/viewer contained stand alone executable file without any application dependency (No viewer, no application is needed to use.).
- Increase security by using industry proven crypto algorithms for data/viewer encryption and decryption (See the algorithms in following section.).
- Increase security by running the executable file without any temporally files of the decrypted data (This makes secure environment for data recovery by using temporally file recovering.).
- Increase security by excluding the decryption key string from the executable file (In the stand alone executable file, there is no data decryption key string inside. This technique able to increase security.).
- Increase security by varying hardware fingerprint scheme (Each register user have there own hardware fingerprint scheme.

What's New in Version 1.2.0001 of VarySafe

1. fully functional trial 2. more compact setup 3. more error handling 4. more stable

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